performance COCOON

cocoon_performance_housing spirirts
insatllation view_hostess welcome
insatllation view_hostess hallway
Cocoon_how early
installations view_cocoon_monitor
installations view_cocoon_double bed
cocoon_a week ago

PERFORMANCE og VIDEOVÆKER Hotel foyer og Hotelrum
HOUSING SPIRITS samarbejde med videokunstner Michelle EISTRUP

Housing Spirits HS var et kunstneriskt samarbejde mellem billedkunstnere Michelle Eistrup og Marika Seidler fra år 98 - 00 med videoproduktioner i Benin Vest Afrika.

Cocoon var et samarbjede mellem lydkunstner Jannick Kirk Sørensen og HS udstillet på Palace Hotel i København. The video “Every flight is different” was screened in the hotel bar followed by a performance in hotel room 111.The Cocoon project addressed the complexities aligned with transiting between countries and cultures. In the Hotel Bar Cocoon hostesses introduced the hotelʼs guests to the video film and booked the guests for performance in room 111. The video was based on a stewardessʼ experience of travel being in constant motion between destinations. Her loss and gain of memory, relations and perception. After the video, a hostess guided the guest up to room 111. The light was dimmed, a vague sound of an airplane, on the beds the artists where covered in earth except for the eyes.

Medvirkende film: Mesmin Darus og anonym stewardesse. gæst Seimi Nørregaard
Medvirkende performance: Kristina Ask, Ingrid Skovgaard, Marika Seidler, Michelle Eistrup
Idé og koncept: Jannik Kirk Sørensen, Marika Seidler og Michelle Eistrup
Lydværk og interview med stewardesse: Jannik Kirk Sørensen
Klip: Marika Seidler
Producent: Housing Spirits
Fotograf: Marika Seidler og Michelle Eistrup
Fotografi af seng: Morten Juhl
Støttet af DCCD og Dansk Center for Billedkunst
Premiere år 1998

Varighed og afstand: 20 min. hotelfoyer og hotelrum
Alder 10+
Deltagere pr. performance: 1 -2 stk. ad gangen i hotelrum

1998         Streek Sharks Biennale
1996         Hotel Inter Istandbul
