kunstvvideo DACHA LISY NOS
DACHA Lisy Nos
Udstillet Overgaden Institut for Nutidskunst
Udstilling UD HJEM
Young Actors invent and re-enact their own versions of their shared cultural heritage using keywords from the fairy tale “Vasilisa the beautiful” Vasilisa’s stepmother sends her out in the woods to fetch fire at the witchs house. After a hard time working for the witch. Vasilisa returns home with a fire in a scull that kills the stepmother and step sisters. filmed in Dachas Russian summerhouses.
The installation shows a projection of 4 short films with actors, a series of auditions which functions as a collection of stories, and a documentary of a summer day with a Russian family shown in a wooden sheed, paper moon and curtains. Video installation view: paper moon and a bamboo curtain, similar to the decoration in the Dacha of Inessa Ivanova’s family. A flower curtain covers the windows and a wooden shed for projectors forms a half circle.
AUDITION 43 min.
CATS 5 min.
CEILING 2 min.
optaget på Panasonic dv cam
Medvirkende Woman in “Cats” Ekatarina Kleopina, Man in “Adjika sauce” Andrei Pershin
Woman in “Ceiling” Svetlana Bodrunova, Woman in”Audition Julia
Idé, koncept, videofotograf, stils, lyddesign og klip Marika Seidler
Instruktør og dramatik Marika Seidler
Instruktør assistent Seimi Nørregaard
Executive producer, locations Tatianna Byrkovskaya
Translations Tatianna Byrkovskaya og Maxim Moiseev
Translation for subtitles Sergei Christensen og Andrei Khodak Madsen
Colaborating Institution in Sankt. Petersburg The Pro Arte institute
Produktionsdesign: Marika Seidler
Optagelse Sct. Petersburg, Russia
“Dacha Lisy Nos” was produced in Skt. Petersborg during a NIFCA Artist-in-Residence at Pro Arte Institute. The production whishes to thank The family of Inessa Ivanova, especially her grandchildrren Dunya and Natascha Writer/performer Seimi Nørregaard, Art koordinator Tatiana Bykovskaya at Pro Arte institute and translator Maxim Moiseev. Students from The Theater Academy in Skt. Petersborg
Producent: Marika Seidler
Støttet af Center for Dk Billedkunst, NIFCA Nordic Institute for Contemp. Art, Sleipner.
Premiere år 2004 Overgaden Institut for Nutidskunst