Installation DRØMTE MIG EN DRØM I NAT sanseudstilling DAG
Udstillingssted KUNSTHALLEN BRANDTS sanseudstillingen DRØMTE MIG EN DRØM I NAT
Produktions år 2011
Sted og commision: Kunsthallen Brandts
Beskrivelse: 200s kvm. sensorisk installation med videoprojektion, lydhistorier og narrativ lys og lyd.
Materialer: træ, mdf., spånplade, papirprint, limklæber, videoprojektorer og afspillere, sof, tæppe, grene, sengeudstyr, kryderier mm.
Støttet af Statens Kunstfonds Billedkunstudvalg opbygning af udstillings pulje.
DREAMT A DREAM LAST NIGHT is a sensory Installation with video projections, sound stories, and narrative light and sound for Kunsthallen Brandts for children from age 3 and up. The sensory exhibition is inspired by Teatro Olimpico in Italy and created in collaboration with artist Seimi Nørregaard. The Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza is constructed in 1580-1585 by Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. The trompe-l'œil onstage scenery, designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, gives the appearance of long streets receding to a distant horizon. The size ratio between the buildings elements are contorted on purpose, in order to create an illusion of higher distance between objects. The perspective tricks the eyes perception of distance and depth.
The installation is a physical experience of a painting unfolded from its frame to a spatial perspective. The components trees, buildings, mountains, road and sky, have all been spread out on the exhibitions space 200 sqm2. A yellow road wrings around the trees and houses. The backside of the elements is a lilac color range in sharp contrast to the road. Behind the houses are different universes: a mirrored bed, stories in a cabinet, a fur den, a 1:20 cm scale model of the total installation.
At the end of the road a mountain range runs along the wall, a mountain range to climb and run on or walk in through a tunnel. There is a round hole that changes between sun and moon that the kids can crawl through to an area with gauzy white material. On the other side of the white light room the children can run back to the benches and have a view over the whole installation again. At night silhouettes of other kids in the trees tell stories of dreams or nightmares and windows in the houses light up the night.
Se videoprojekter i dansk version og Norsk version nederst.
Ide og Koncept Seimi Nørregaard og Marika Seidler
Video og Lyd optagelser dansk version Niels Plenge
Instruktion dansk version Carina Zunino
Video og Lyd optagelser Norsk version Jøran Tone Gjerde
Klip begge versioner Marika Seidler
Lydhistorier i indre installationer Seimi Nørregaard
Tegning af Huse og træer Marika Seidler
Opbygning af installation i DK og Norge kunstnerisk leder Seimi Nørregaard
Opbygning af installation i DK arbejdsleder byggere Arne Møller
Lyd og lyd teknik i DK Antonio Rodriques
Miniaturemodel Marika Seidler
Formidling af udstilling Birgitte Kjøller