kunstvideo ANIHUMAN

ani-human_installation view
ani-human_videoart_marika seidler
barbara_4_birds staere
Horsegoddess_questions for M
barbara 1
JESSIE on ground
HANNAH home her little brownbird

VIDEOINSTALLATION 3 projektioner og 3 skærme
Museet for Samtidskunst Rosikilde og NIKOLAJ KUNSTHAL
Udstilling Distant relations

A sight Communication between animals and people can be extraordinairy when animals become advisors. Participants Animal communicators and animal workers who communicate with animals, a telepathic communication, described as sending/receiving images. The animals give advise on community, flock mentality, love and life. Produced in in California, Oregon and Idaho during a one year Residency granted by The Danish Arts Agency.

Hollywood Lingerie store owner Christiane with her 20 big birds and Birdnanny Hannah.
Animal Communicator Doc. Laurie and cat Jessie on love.
Animal Communicator Carole Devereux talks with horse goddesses. At the Earthfire Institute Susan and wolf Luliepins sings/howls and Jean and Susan talks with their red robin in their living room. Barbara Janelle heals a horse. The EarthFire Institute, Idaho Driggs Jean Simpson and Susan B. Eirich., 

Idé, koncept, videofotograf, stils, lyddesign  og klip Marika Seidler 
Produktions assistent Yuki Sakurai
Lydoptagelse Yuki Sakurai

Produktionsdesign: Marika Seidler 

Optagelse Idaho, Oregon, California USA
Producent: Seidlers SENSORIUM
Støttet af Statens Kunstfond Billedkunstudvalg, Ida og Ragnvald Blix fonden, Hilmstierne Rosencroenske Stiftelse
Premiere år 2007 Museet for Samtidskunst Roskilde


varighed 6 - 20 min.

Antal projektioner: 3 - 8
optaget på Panasonic dv cam
