installation view_01barsign
installation view_screening chairs
soleil_quarry sun man
installation view_06diskocurtain
installation view_03funeralvideo4
soleil_disco couple

VIDEOINSTALLATION; 2 monitor, 1 splitscreen, 1 projektion
Udstillet INK Institut for Nutidskunst 
SOLOUDSTILLING Le Soleil de Minuit
Samarbejde HOUSING SPIRITS med videokunstner Michelle Eistrup

Housing Spirits var et 3 års kunstneriskt samarbejde med videokunstner Michelle Estrup med produktioner fortrinsvist i Benin Wes
tafrika i samarbejde med kulturgruppen GASPAC og med Filmscholar Arine Kirstein, som æstetisk konsulent.

Le Soleil de Minuit artproject
 illuminates the close relationship the Beninoise have with their ancestors. The installation was divided into two sectors, a documentary and fractional account. The videos in the front rooms were to aid the viewer in having a deeper understanding of the symbolism, ritual, beliefs and attitudes, which exists between the living and the dead. In many places there tends to be a separation between these entities while in Benin, Africa, there is unification of these two worlds.

In Benin it is said that the dead love to visit places full of great activity, and life forms. Young people who die early want to relive youth in the heart of a discothèque, where lovers hope to meet. Then there are those who want to visit the marketplace. Relations with ancestors play an essential role in the life of their descendants acting as mediators and sometimes aid in finding peaceful resolutions in vodoun belief today practiced by 60 million people world wide.

Interviews on burial ceremonies in Ouidah, Benin, 27 mins.,
The funeral of Madame Kapatenon, 32 mins.
Auditions in cotonou, Benin, 21 min.
Le Soleil de minuit, 15 mins.
optaget på Panasonic dv cam, VHS, Hi8
Premiere år 2000 Solo udstilling INK Institut for Nutidskunst


Children counting in garden at night: Justain Abadagan, Rodrique Abadagan, Colletti Noukpligoudi, 
Annicette Abadagan, Euloge Adbadagan, Silvain Kinmandoninto, Létitia Lachoukpo, Ella Noukpligoudi, Innocent Noukpligoudi, Joil, Aimé, Armel, diné
2nd woman in garden Michelle Eistrup
Spirits in reflection Mahinou Santos, Lambert Abadagan, Marika Seidler
Storytellers in quarry Joseph H. Hounkpatin, Olga Vigoroux, Eddie Agonglo
Group in quarry James Remy Sallanon, Servais Adeogoun, Olga Hindemá, Martine de Souza. At the disco, dancing couple Georgette Odjo and Denis Alhonlonsou
At the Pool Adept Avonsé, Dah Grahoui Epiphanes, Darius Agbo

Idea and Screenplay Housing Spirits / Michelle Eistrup and Marika Seidler
Æstetisk konsulent Arine Kirstein
Samarbejds partner GASPAC/ Lambert Abadagan, Yves Pédés, and Yahoué Cossi
Historikker Martine de Souza

Producer Housing Spirits / Michelle Eistrup and Marika Seidler
Executive producer Lambert Abadagan
Executive producer assistant Mesmin Darius
Location manager and security Lambert Abadagan

Research of Vodoun death rituals group
Art and culture group GASPAC Lambert Abadagan, Yves Pédés, and Yahoué Cossi
Historikker Martine de Souza
Æstetisk konsulent Arine Kirstein
Housing Spirits Michelle Eistrup og Marika Seidler
Oral translator Eddie Constantine Agonglo

Director of Photography and stills Torben Johansen
Cinematographer og instruktion Housing Spirits / Michelle Eistrup og Marika Seidler
Cinematographer Amagbe Studo and video/ Georgette Odjo
Light Antoine O. Techenagnon and Joseph H. Hounkpatin
boomer Mesmin Darius Abadagan
Optagelser i Ouidah Benin

Editor Housing Spirits / Michelle Eistrup and Marika Seidler
Written translator Darius Agbo and Silvie Azouzi
Subtitles Alex Koaukou Poulsen and Cecilie Eistrup

Sound design Housing Spirits / Michelle Eistrup and Marika Seidler
Speak and mastering of sound Twinberry studios/ Anders Juhl
Snare Drum Niels Werner
Music and composer of music by the pool Adept Avonsé
1st woman voice-over Michelle Eistrup
2nd woman voice-over Samuella Wuo
Produced at Twinberry Studios

The production whishes to thank in Benin

Houses of Abadagan, Boya, Hodounou, and Chadere. Dah Boya leader of the house of Boya. Musician Stan Tohon, Ambassador Johny Flentø, the Danish Ambassador to Benin. Tine Anbæk Pedersen, Secretary to the Ambassador Johny Flentø. Production Manager Bonaventure Assogba, O.R.T.B The National Television of Benin. CIRTEF, Conseil Internationel des Radios, Télévision Française. Mr. Alfred Cudo. Le Soleil de Minuit, disco, Mr. Nicause Deguenon and Hotel DK, The King Mito-dsho Kpassenon Mindje 17ème, Lucien Takin, & Dr. Marcel Vinakpon Houndefo.

The production whishes to thank in Denmark and the US
Director, Patrick Grillo & Kirsten Krogmand, Air France, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Director Else Marie Bukdahl, Secretary Otto Pedersen, Secretary Arendse Fortmeier,the Media department, Professor Torben Christensen, Secretary Kirsten Vaamonde, Video lecturer Lars Kristensen and Torben Steen Olsen. Elisabeth Alexander, Robert Farris Thompson, Danny Dawson, Gilbert H Goudjo.

Støttet af  Center for Dk Billedkunst, DCCD Dansk Center for Culture and Development, AirFrance og Ragnvald og Ida Blix fonden
