mabel_Yuko and Mai_clup
mabel_circlegroup_cl up
mabel_yuko_up_tree5_72 copy
mabel_Eiko_writes in earth
mabel_Eiko_string around tree 02
scissors_Yuko and Mai quire

kunstvideo MABEL

MABEL a prince for you
VIDEOVÆRK 2:4 del af Tokyo SF stories 
Akademirådets Guldmedalje konkurrence
Holstebro Kunstmuseum

“Tokyo Science Fiction stories” consists of 7 video works produced in Tokyo and nominated for the Danish Gold Medal Competition 2005 as one out of 6 architects and artists. “Mabel a prince for you” no. 2:7 Mabel is a nontraditional fairy-tale. A girl is asked to pick various objects and finds that the prince lives in everything, even in beer foam. The film is shot with four female actors in a park in autumn, the leaves of the trees are red, and there is a white fog.

Medvirkende Kotani Yoko, Sannomiya Eiko, Yanagisawa Mai, Asami
Idé, koncept, videofotograf, stils, lyddesign  og klip Marika Seidler 
Dramatik Korekata Naoko
Executive producer og research koordinator Suyama Reiko
Produktions assistent Yuki Sakurai
Lydoptagelse Yuki Sakurai
Translation Wada Yuko og Linguia Guild
Undertekster Shin Watanabe
Produktionsdesign: Marika Seidler 
Optagelse Tachikawa koen, Japan 
Producent: Seidlers SENSORIUM
Støttet af Statens Center for Dansk Billedkunst Kunstfond, FASTvideo
Commision Akademirådet
Premiere år 2007 Guldmedalje konkurrencen Charlottenborg festsal

The production whishes to thank in Japan.
Suyama Reiko, Wada Yuko, Sakurai Yuki, Sue Oxenboell , Kataoka Yui, Kadota Ko, Shimizu Takashi, Watanabe Shinichi with their tremendous help this film was realized in the best possible way. The Tokyo film Academy Igarashi Mitsuru dir. of production staff and students. Tokyo University. The writhers union, Curator Shikata Yukiko ICC, Shibuya Gawa rennaisance and Human media dir. Onouchi Megumi, dep.dir. Fukagawa Yasuto, river specialist Hatta Kentaro, Ide Yoko, Architect Iwasaki Kei and artist Shinoda Taro. 

The production whishes to thank in Denmark
Midori Fischer chairmwoman for the Danish- Japanese friendship union Curator Jesper Jørgensen, videoartist Lennart Grahn, Niels Plenge, FASTvideo. 


varighed 6 - 20 min.

Antal projektioner: 3 - 8
optaget på Panasonic dv cam
