vaagekone lone beskåret ansigte
vaagekoner edith med sol
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lyngen anton med jette siddende
gruppe kalkhuler
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vaagkoern yvonne med bitsi
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Produced for The P.C. Skovgaard Museeum, Viborg Dk. “Vaagekoner” watch over the dying. They are present to comfort those in need. The dictionary of the Danish language explains the word “vaage” as “a state of transition between sleeping and being awake”. The video installation is recorded with a group of five Red Cross “vaagekoner” in the same province as the Skovgaard Museum. The women carry us with their quiet song and stories in bedrooms, as they move their faces, hands, hair and necks in gentle rythms. The group of “vaagekoner” walk in a Limestone Cave. In a vast flat heather landscape at Kongenshus Memorial Park in autumn the women meet their men.

“Vaagekoner” is inspired by the Golden Age artist P.C. Skovgaards passion for painting nature and his experience of his wife Georgias early death in childbirth. Skovgaard lost his wife in July 1868, a month after he painted “Børn i Skovbrynet ved Nysø” which portrays his now dead wife alive with their three children in nature’s embrace.

Vaagkoner fra Røde kors Fauverskov Vest og deres mænd
Idé, koncept, dramatiker og instruktør Marika Seidler
videofotograf, lyd og klip Marika Seidler 
Lydoptagelse Marika Seidler
Produktionsdesign: Marika Seidler 
Music danske salmer sunget af vaagekonerne
Tak til Røde kors Fauverskov Vest, Vaagkoner og deres mænd

Producent: Seidlers SENSORIUM 
Permiere år 2012 P. C. Skovgaards Museet

Varighed: 21 min. 
Antal projektioner: 5
Alder ingen begrænsning

2012       P. C. Skovgaards Museet


kunstvideo VAAGEKONER