WITH HORSES steen face open eyes
WITH HORSES henrik closed eyes
WITH HORSES joost hand
WITH HORSES henrik sløret hest
WITH HORSES steen hand on wip
WITH HORSES steen from back copy
WITH HORSES barndoor_morten
WITH HORSES henrik hair woods field
WITH HORSES joost open eyes
WITH HORSES farooq open eyes
WITH HORSES farooq 03
WITH HORSES healing horse
With horses_joost looking in spce
With horses_steen horse flanke
WITH HORSES barndoor_henrik barn door closed
WITH HORSES henrik woods leg
WITH HORSES morten woods 02

VIDEOINSTALLATION 5 projektioner konkav projektions overflade
SOLO Udstilling Human Animal

En hesteflok Horse flock becomes a metaphor for real life work situations when a group of five business leaders try out their abilities as leaders interacting with a horse flock.
In Equine theory, horses perform as coaches to gain knowledge of personal leader style and resources. Being a flight animal, the horse mirrors the group’s emotional mechanisms and responds accordingly in order to survive. The horse becomes a co-worker mirroring the groups’ emotional mechanisms only allowing competent leaders with a convincing body language to lead their flock.


Medvirkende 5 Foretningsledere og heste coach Anne Kühnel
Idé, koncept,dramatiker og instruktør Marika Seidler
Film fotograf DP.Sophie Wingqvist Loggins
Lydoptagelse Anne Gry Friis og Sune Kaarsberg
Stedicam Anders Holck, DFF
Focuspuller Sophie Winqvist
Sound design Anne Gry Friis 
Klip Marika Seidler
Kostume- og produktionsdesign: Marika Seidler 
Location, sikkerhed: hestecoach Anne Kühnell
Optaget hos Hesteriet Kumlegaard Osted, Denmark
Producent: Seidlers SENSORIUM 
Tak til Hesteriet Kumlegaard REDrental Anders Holck Deel International Aps
Støttet af StatensKunstfonds Billedkunst udvalg 
Premiere år 2013 hos Viborg kunsthal soloudstililng "ANIHHUMAN"

Varighed: 18 min. 
Antal projektioner: 5
Alder ingen begrænsning

2014       Nikolaj kunsthal soloudstililng "ANIHHUMAN"
2013        Viborg kunsthal soloudstililng "ANIHHUMAN"



kunstvideo WITH HORSES